Email counselling is amazing, and can work very well when you have well-thought-through boundaries.
So when counsellors ask me about email counselling one of their biggest worries is boundaries.
Without the traditional structure of a 50-minute session it can be easy for counsellors to feel lost in knowing what to do.
If you are a counsellor and are ready to expand your thinking and explore deeper then keep on reading as we start to think about boundaries in email counselling.
How do I manage my time and set expectations for clients?
With email counselling clear contracting is key.
By this I mean that the written contract you send to clients must make it explicit how email counselling works, i.e.,
how often clients should email you?
how will they email you?
how much they should write?
how will they pay?
With many years of experience working in this way I wanted to share with you the main things to consider before you start offering email counselling to clients.
The rest of this blog can be read over at my sister website Email Counselling Academy (ECA)
At Email Counselling Academy (ECA) I offer specialist email counselling training for professional counsellors ready to take their career to the next level. Find out more here.
Eager read more? Read the full blog here.
Over in the full blog you'll learn:
Is a word limit essential when offering email sessions?
How much should I charge for email sessions?
Why time boundaries matter in email counselling
Have you heard of email counselling and curious how and if it even works?
Worried how you might cope, not seeing your clients?
Confused how to manage your boundaries?
Scared of misunderstandings, when not able to speak?
I get a lot of questions from counsellors and so have created a FREE GUIDE to help you learn more.
FREE GUIDE: 7 Steps to help decide if Email Counselling is right for you