Back in 2017 I decided to give email counselling a go as a client.
In the beginning I wasn’t sure if email counselling would work. I had so many questions …
Would I not need to actually see my counsellor to trust her and feel able to open up?
Would my counsellor not need to see me and read my body language to be able to help me?
Could my emails be read by others, and would my words be confidential?
What would I write and how could emails really help me therapeutically?
Although I am a counsellor myself, I wanted to try this way of communicating as I was curious and sceptical as to how/if email counselling really works.
I am pleased to say it did work and it helped me so much!
To find out more about my personal journey the rest of this blog can be read over at my sister website Email Counselling Academy (ECA)
In my blog (availble here) I share how NOT TALKING actually helped me go deeper, and how flexibility on when to write worked so well me. I also share more details on how my personal experience as a client led to a shift in my career!
How does email counselling actually work?
At Email Counselling Academy (ECA) I offer specialist email counselling training for professional counsellors ready to take their career to the next level. Find out more here.
Are you a counsellor ready to learn more?
Have you heard of email counselling and curious how and if it even works?
Worried how you might cope, not seeing your clients?
Confused how to manage your boundaries?
Scared of misunderstandings, when not able to speak?
I get a lot of questions from counsellors and so have created a FREE GUIDE to help you learn more.
FREE GUIDE: 7 Steps to help decide if Email Counselling is right for you
Packed full of opportunities for counsellors to reflect on practical considerations and pros and cons, this free guide will help you decide if email counselling would work for you in your practice.