CPD for Counsellors​
​In addition to my work as a counsellor, I also love sharing my experience with fellow counsellors.
Check out my collection of CPD videos for counsellors and trainees.
Talking about Polyamory
Talking about Sex in the Counselling Room
Pronouns and Gender Diversity​
With a first-class degree in Education, I love teaching and training and I'm proud to have made training an ongoing part of my career since 2003.
Over my counselling career I have trained hundreds of counsellors to become more confident working with LGBTQ+ clients through my work with The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS), Onlinevents and The Counselling Tutor.
I no longer host live/recorded training on working with LGBTQ+ clients.
Instead, I enjoy sharing the skills I've honed in email counselling with fellow counsellors through my popular accessible e-book and specialist training courses on email counselling over at my sister website www.emailcounsellingacademy.com​
Join us to learn more :)
CPD videos
Email Counselling Training for Counsellors

Alongside my work as a counsellor I also run Email Counselling Academy where I create training courses for counsellors to get confident and competent in learning specialist skills to offer counselling by email.
Learn more at my sister website: www.emailcounsellingacademy.com
My E-book (& bonus audio)
Are you looking for a bite-sized introduction to email counselling where you can get your questions answered?
This time-saving short ebook (with free bonus audio) has the following sections ...
Part 1 — Why I love email counselling
I share my personal experience as both an email counsellor and a client. Learn why email counselling works particularly well for LGBTQ+ clients.
Part 2 — What is email counselling?
This section of the book explains how email counselling works and why clients choose it.
Part 3 — Email counselling and you
The final part helps you as a counsellor to explore your assumptions and, possibly bias about email counselling.